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Join us for two months of delicious, farm-fresh eating November and December.
Every-other Tuesday, on-farm, October 28th - December 9th, 2025
Can't get enough of that farm-fresh food when summer is over? Still want to have a choice of the veggies you get in your CSA? This is for you!
We offer a market-style CSA each Fall. Pickups will be every-other week at the farm. You can expect to find things like winter squash, leeks, onions, potatoes, carrots, beets, celeriac, storage radishes and turnips, cabbages, assorted greens and more!
Feeling extra seasonal? Choose our Apple Add-on and get 5lbs of apples and fresh apple cider from our friends at Atoms to Apples with each of your pick ups!
Fall Share (Full Share Option): $275
Total of four pickups, every-other week. The concept is the same as our Summer Share, but with a focus on storage items. You get to choose what you walk away with. Since pickup is every-other week, you will receive two week's worth of produce. This is a great option for families and big eaters.
(some things will not require refrigeration.)
Begins October 28th - December 9th.
Fall Share (Half Share Option): $175
Not sure if you're ready for that much food? Don't worry! With our half share option, you can choose to get half as much produce as a Full Share. There will still be four pick ups, just half as much at each pick up.
Fall Share (Personal Option): $100
We have been getting requests for a small share, or personal size share, so we are offering it again this year! Perfect for small eaters, individuals, or anyone who just wants to try out a Fall Share without too much commitment. This is effectively a "quarter share", or half of a Half Share. Personal Shares will also pick up four times, every-other week like the other share options.
Apple Add-On: $100
'Tis the season for pies, crisps, tarts, compotes and all things warm and delicious. We are excited to be partnering with Atoms to Apples to offer our members the best apples in town (probably in Wisconsin and maybe the world for that matter)! You will be delighted to choose from great fresh-eating varieties like honey crisp, snow sweet, and sweet sixteen; as well as excellent cooking apples. With the Apple Add-On, you get 5 pounds of apples every pick up and a gallon of fresh apple cider every-other pick up, plus an extra boom for Thanksgiving pies <3
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